
Tag: training

Mac OS X: Fixing print cue issues

I recently spent a day onsite during half term looking at a set of iMacs that were intermittently pausing their print queues. I used a few different terminal commands to work around the issue so I thought I’d share the

Munki 2: Upgrading Your Clients and Using Munki Admin

Hi all. Welcome to the third part in my Munki 2 blogs: The on-going guide to get Munki newbies up and running with a basic setup to cut your teeth on! This blog is designed as an ‘updater’ blog to

Apple Mail and Outlook: Attachments

Every file that is sent to you by e-mail is then stored in a specific folder. Why Would I Need To Know Where Attachments Are Stored? If you have ever opened an attachment from an e-mail, worked on it and

Quick Tip: How to open System Preferences quickly

If like me you regularly access System Preferences to change settings then the following tip may help you open System Preferences quicker. Open System Preferences using Keyboard Shortcuts: On your keyboard use ALT + F2, which opens up the Display

How to delete Keychains at logout

How to Delete Keychains at Logout I’ve been asked quite a few times whether it’s possible to disable the Keychain functionality in OS X. This is a fairly critical part of the OS, so the short answer is no, but

Munki 2: What’s New in Munki 2.1 and 2.2

Hi all. Well, since we published my intro to Munki 2 blog, Greg has continued his forward march and released two full versions since! This blog will give a rough overview of the shiny new features in these releases! So,

Amsys open 2nd location in Soho, London

For the last five years, our London office has been based on Berwick Street in Soho. Here our expert team of Apple Certified Trainers and Technicians have been providing a range of Apple Authorised services to businesses based in London.

technical interview 101

The technical interview 101 – Part 1

I wanted to write down some thoughts and experiences with interviewing from both the interviewee and the interviewer perspective, which I will be sharing with you over the next few weeks. Part 1 We should start with the Interviewer finding

changes to cck2 firefox 35
Other Technical

Changes to CCK 2 usage with Firefox 35

Hello again. Apologies in advance for another blog on Firefox but with a combination of frequent updates and Mozilla (again) changing where the files need to be placed to use CCK, I felt it was needed. *Sigh* Firefox is starting