
Tag: objective-c

Introduction to PyObjC at MacADUK 2017

by Greg Neagle, Sr. Systems Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios: Many systems administrators rely on scripting to help them get their jobs done. Scripts can help perform a complex task in a repeatable manner, or perform a task over

Should I Learn Objective-C or Swift?

Since Apple released the new iOS programming language, Swift, online forums and indeed the Amsys training email inboxes have been awash with questions like, Well – what do I do now? Should I learn Objective-C or Swift? And our answer

Should I Learn Objective-C or Swift?

Since Apple released the new iOS programming language, Swift, online forums and indeed the Amsys training email inboxes have been awash with questions like, Well – what do I do now? Should I learn Objective-C or Swift? And our answer

How Margaret got her app live & how you can do it too!

Hearing about our students stories, accomplishments and the projects that they have delivered since attending our courses is a very rewarding time and provides us with inspiration and pride in the work that we do here at Amsys training. Back

Objective-C Becoming More Popular

By Richard Mallion Objective-C, the high level programming language favoured by Apple , is becoming more and more popular. Its now the 4th most used programming language on market behind C, Java and C++ respectively. The domination of iOS is

Objective-C adoption grows in 2011 thanks to iOS

By Richard Mallion Due to the hugh sales of iOS devices , the Objective-C language which is used to develop applications for iOS showed the most growth in usage during 2011. Market share for Objective-C for the end of 2011