
Tag: time machine

time machine changes
Amsys Blog

Time Machine changes in Mavericks

Following on from my previous post on cheeky changes to OS X Mavericks, (Or 10.9), today I wanted to point out some subtle changes to the way Time Machine backs up. First of all, the Time Machine menu bar icon

Time Machine 10.8 – Part 3 – Advanced Features

Hello and welcome to the Amsys Training Podcasts. My name is Russ, and today I will be taking you through the 3rd and final episode of this series about Time Machine in 10.8. In the first episode, Hugo looked at

Time Machine 10.8 – Part 3 – Advanced Features

Hello and welcome to the Amsys Training Podcasts. My name is Russ, and today I will be taking you through the 3rd and final episode of this series about Time Machine in 10.8. In the first episode, Hugo looked at

Time Machine 10.8 podcast – Recover Data

  Hi and welcome to the second part of our podcast on Time Machine. My Name is Pete. In this episode I am looking at recovery from a Time Machine backup, in the first part Hugo talked about backing up

How to use Time Machine 10.8 podcast

Hello and welcome to this Amsys Training Podcast about time machine. My name’s Hugo and today I will be taking you through the 1st episode of a series of 3 about Time Machine in 10.8. In this podcast we will

Lion Tip 8 Local Backups in Lion’s Time Machine

One of the most popular features of OS X has been Apple’s built in Time Machine software.  This innovative software easily allowed users to make complete backups of their operating system in case of hard drive failure or if they