
Tag: python

Introduction to PyObjC at MacADUK 2017

by Greg Neagle, Sr. Systems Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios: Many systems administrators rely on scripting to help them get their jobs done. Scripts can help perform a complex task in a repeatable manner, or perform a task over

Office 365

Introducing iCalverter: Office365 Cleanup Tool

(This blog has been written as a partner blog to my presentation delivered at the London Apple Admins – 23rd June 2016 meet-up at the LSE) Hi All. This blog details a little GUI app solution I knocked up to help us cleanup

Office 365

Introducing iCalverter: Office365 Cleanup Tool

(This blog has been written as a partner blog to my presentation delivered at the London Apple Admins – 23rd June 2016 meet-up at the LSE) Hi All. This blog details a little GUI app solution I knocked up to help us cleanup

Other Technical

How to stop first run messages in Google Chrome

Hi All, this is gonna be another one of those “I had to do something for a client and so I thought I’d share” blogs. You have been warned! As part of a typical school install, we would need to

Amsys Blog

An Introduction to Python – Part 3 – Amsys

Welcome to the third part of our introduction to Python. If you haven’t done so already, you take a look at the previous parts – Part 1 here and Part 2 here. In part 3, we are going to look at strings. Strings

Amsys Blog

An Introduction to Python – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of our introduction to Python. If you haven’t done so already, you take a look at part 1 here. In part 2, we are going to look at variables and some basic operators. A simple

Other Technical

An Introduction to Python – Part 1

OS X has a rich array of development/scripting languages. From Objective-C and Swift for building iOS and OS X native apps to scripting solutions like Ruby, PHP, and Python. Certainly in the Mac technical community Python has become very popular