
Tag: meraki

managing ios and os x settings
Best Practice

Best practices in 2015: Managing settings in Mac OS X & iOS

To continue our best practices series for 2015, this time around I’d like to describe the methods for settings management. This is focusing on the central management of settings for the Mac OS such as the login window layout, and

Q & A with Cisco's Meraki

Earlier on this year, we announced that we had joined the Cisco Meraki Elevate Partner Programme, to bring a secure, easy to manage and cost saving cloud networking solution to our SME and Education clients. We got in touch with

Amsys joins Cisco’s “Meraki Elevate Partner Programme”

Meraki, the market leading cloud networking tool, provides cloud controlled WI-FI, routing and security products for wired and wireless networks. Organisations that choose Meraki to bolster their networking infrastructure can dramatically alter and improve their WI-FI landscape and centralised management