
Tag: iCloud

iCloud email notifications

In keeping with Apple’s commitment to make iCloud more secure, Apple have just added a new level of security to iCloud. You are now sent an email when someone logs into with your account credentials. The email gives you

iCloud Security Review

You may have seen in the press over the last couple of days that a large collection of explicit celebrity photos were released. It’s looking like the vast majority came from hacked iCloud accounts, specifically via Find My iPhone service.

Using DiskAid to extract iPhone Data

Even though iTunes and iCloud backup are perfectly suitable backup solutions for most people, I have often found it necessary to perform a restore of the iOS firmware while not wanting to restore from backup. The reason behind that is

Set default save to local rather than iCloud in 10.8

For those of us that have upgraded to 10.8 Mountain Lion and use Apple apps like Pages and Keynote you may have noticed that the default save location is always iCloud.   I tend to want to save to my

How to make iCloud behave like Dropbox

Inside your ~/Library/Mobile Documents you have a local copy of all your iCloud documents, this can be exploited to convert your iCloud into an online storage and sharing resource! This folder behaves exactly the same as a Dropbox folder, anything

Apple Updates iCloud's Status Page

By Richard Mallion iCloud and its associate services are becoming more and more important for iOS and OS X users. Apple has just updated their iCloud status page which now covers 32 services. Each one with an individual status. There

Apple Updates iCloud's Status Page

By Richard Mallion iCloud and its associate services are becoming more and more important for iOS and OS X users. Apple has just updated their iCloud status page which now covers 32 services. Each one with an individual status. There

Apple Enable Email Addresses

If you are someone who migrated from MobileMe to iCloud and have an existing or email address then Apple have just announced that you will also receive the equivalent email address. The emil address should be

Where are my iCloud Documents Stored?

So Mountain Lion has been out for a few months now and one of the big features of it is “Documents in the Cloud” – the ability to have documents automatically sync between your Mac computers and iOS devices automatically