
Tag: coding

Amsys Blog

An Introduction to Python – Part 3 – Amsys

Welcome to the third part of our introduction to Python. If you haven’t done so already, you take a look at the previous parts – Part 1 here and Part 2 here. In part 3, we are going to look at strings. Strings

Amsys Blog

An Introduction to Python – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of our introduction to Python. If you haven’t done so already, you take a look at part 1 here. In part 2, we are going to look at variables and some basic operators. A simple

Other Technical

An Introduction to Python – Part 1

OS X has a rich array of development/scripting languages. From Objective-C and Swift for building iOS and OS X native apps to scripting solutions like Ruby, PHP, and Python. Certainly in the Mac technical community Python has become very popular

Munki 2: Upgrading Your Munki Repo Content

Hi all. Welcome to the fourth part in my Munki 2 blogs: The on-going guide to get Munki newbies up and running with a basic setup to cut your teeth on! This blog is designed as an add on to

Munki 2: What’s New in Munki 2.1 and 2.2

Hi all. Well, since we published my intro to Munki 2 blog, Greg has continued his forward march and released two full versions since! This blog will give a rough overview of the shiny new features in these releases! So,