
Tag: cck

changes to cck2 firefox 35
Other Technical

Changes to CCK 2 usage with Firefox 35

Hello again. Apologies in advance for another blog on Firefox but with a combination of frequent updates and Mozilla (again) changing where the files need to be placed to use CCK, I felt it was needed. *Sigh* Firefox is starting

Firefox CCK2 lockdown Casper Extension Attributes

Hey everyone. On another recent project, I had a secondary education client running Firefox, and they wanted to have the customisations installed. Typically I’d fire up CCK2, build them, package the finished product and push this out, as per my

Locking down Firefox with CCK 2

Hello again. Yes it’s another Firefox lockdown blog, and a second CCK one, but I have good reasons! I promise! Firstly, Firefox has changed a little from version 24 to the (at time of writing) current version 30. Secondly, the