
Category: Office 365

Mac OS X

Authentication Issues: Microsoft Word for Mac

Update 2016-07-21: Since originally drafting this blog, the slow launch issue detailed below has been fixed with version 15.24 of the Microsoft 2016 applications. The proxy pop messages still occurring as per the below. Hi all. In this post I’ll

Office 365

Introducing iCalverter: Office365 Cleanup Tool

(This blog has been written as a partner blog to my presentation delivered at the London Apple Admins – 23rd June 2016 meet-up at the LSE) Hi All. This blog details a little GUI app solution I knocked up to help us cleanup

Office 365

Introducing iCalverter: Office365 Cleanup Tool

(This blog has been written as a partner blog to my presentation delivered at the London Apple Admins – 23rd June 2016 meet-up at the LSE) Hi All. This blog details a little GUI app solution I knocked up to help us cleanup

Office 365 resources for Mac admins

Over the last year or so we have seen a lot of our customer base move away from internally hosting their own email servers to cloud based giants like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Apps. Cloud hosted email is not