
Category: iOS IT


How to use Siri in iOS and Sierra

Just a short one from me this time but none the less interesting (In my own opinion).>I have been an iOS users for years yet have never fully got to grips with how to use Siri in iOS and OSX


How to adjust iPhone Flashlight Brightness in iOS 10

iPhone Flashlight Brightness: I am forever using the Flashlight, (or Torch) within Control Center on my iPhone. When i say ‘Flashlight’, it’s really just the camera LED flash doubling up as a flashlight. But with a baby that keeps getting


Copy and paste across apple devices with universal clipboard

Universal Clipboard is one of the latest Continuity features available on Apple Devices. Before Universal Clipboard Apple previously released Handoff as a Continuity feature for starting a document within an app on one Apple device and then continuing that document


Receiving calls with Siri

Amongst all the new features in iOS 10, there are some that are less publicised than others. One of these lesser known features is the ability to have your iOS device announce who’s calling when receiving a phone call based on the


Management changes to iOS and OSX Sierra

With all new OS updates from Apple, new management features which are made available via configuration profiles. In this blog is a list of the management changes to iOS and OSX Sierra. Below are the new payloads / keys available


How to Prioritise iOS App Downloads in iOS 10

How to prioritise iOS App Downloads in iOS 10 Have you ever downloaded or updated a bunch of iOS apps all at the same time, then realized you really need to use one of those apps? The problem now is


iOS 10 Wi-Fi Tips: Fix Connection Problems

iOS 10 Wi-Fi Tips: Fix connection problems in your device Have you ever connected to a Wi-Fi network on your iPhone and wondered why it’s not working? Unless you’re an IT technician you may not know what you can try


Turn your iphone into a magnifying glass with iOS 10

Last week Apple released the next-generation of their iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch operating system : iOS 10. Over the past week i’ve been having a real good play with it whilst preparing to support customers and start delivering training courses


Management Changes: iOS 9.3

Today Apple dropped the iOS 9.3 update and with it a list of new management features that will become available with your favourite MDM service. Home Screen Layout Payload This payload defines a layout of apps, folders, and web clips

ios 9 iphones

iOS 9: New MDM Configuration Profiles

iOS 9 has dropped and with it are some new restrictions we can apply using your favourite MDM tools. Below is a table summarising them. As you can see most of them require the device to be supervised, so no